*Today on 24th August, 2023, BSNLEU CTD & WB Circle both along with CMU, CTTMU and AIBDPA organised March to the Offices of the Dy.CLC/RLC and submitted Memorandum for settlement of burning problems of Contract workers.*
As as per call by the CHQ of BSNLEU, Marches to the offices of the Dy.CLC, RLC and the LEO the Co-Ordination Committee of BSNLEU, CTTMU, CMU and AIBDPA, CTD and WB Circle organised the programme at the office of the DLC, RLC and LEO, Nizam Palace, Kolkata demanding settlement of the burning problems of the contract workers and submitted the memorandum. Com Sisir Kumar Roy, AGS, Com Sujoy Sarkar, CS, WB, Com Sankar Keshar Nepal, CS, CTD, BSNLEU, Com Tapas, Ghosh, CS, CMU, Com Pradipta Ghosh CS CTTMU and Com Asis Das, CS, AIBDPA addressed the gathering and they explained the problems of contract workers. Photos and reports are being sent to the CHQ through email.
This is for your information please.
*-Sankar Keshar Nepal,CS and Sujoy Sarkar, CS, BSNLEU CTD and WB Circle.*